Why must race come before everything, even the dreams of our youngest Americans?
Tuesday, March 18th 2025, 2:00:09 pm
Bad faith gets us nowhere whereas good faith knows no bounds and no limits on strength.
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Death of the West: Britain Is Now Attacking Its Most Legendary Writer
There is now a movement in Great Britain to attack Shakespeare as being part of colonial, white supremacist culture. ......
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The New American
LIVE 10am EST Wednesday: Output - South African Boer Fight Repression - Tewie Wessels
Output talks with South Africa Boer farmer Tewie Wessels on the fight against repression by the Marxist government....
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WATCH SPACE RESCUE LIVE: SpaceX’s Crew Dragon ‘Freedom’ Returns to Earth, Bringing Stranded Astronauts Wilmore and Williams – Splashdown Expected at 5:57pm EDT
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