Conservative Groups Want Congress to Repeal FACE, Which Biden Used to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison
Wednesday, March 19th 2025, 1:01:01 pm
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Minnesota Republican who introduced bill to classify Trump Derangement Syndrome as mental illness arrested in child sex sting
Welp, it ain't just Democrats, folks. We got some pedos on the Right as well....
8 minutes ago
Not the Bee
West Virginia, Wyoming Secure Elections With Ranked-Choice Voting Prohibitions
GOP governors of West Virginia and Wyoming signed bills on Tuesday prohibiting the use of ranked-choice voting in their states' elections....
9 minutes ago
The Federalist
40% of DC restaurants could close by the end of 2025: Survey
The survey comes amid a minimum wage change, a projected decrease in annual revenue, and ahead of the possible effect of Trump's tariffs....
11 minutes ago
Washington Examiner
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