The government of leftist globalist Prime Minister Donald Tusk is returning to the ways of for mer communist regime by arresting and torturing political opponents. The most recent example is Father Michał Olszewiski, director of the Profeto Foundation. The Polish priest described the horrific conditions during his detention at the Warsaw-Służewiec jail. He alleges serious abuses of human rights, including denial of water and access to a restroom, as well as other degrading treatment. His attorney, Krzysztof Wąsowski, has said he will seek the intervention of both the Polish commissioner for human rights and international organizations.
Fireworks were seen shooting both into the air and into the crowd at the Stadium of Fir concert on July 4, 2024, in Provo, Utah....
In these polarizing times, it seems little wonder that even federal buildings have turned into political battlefields....
Judge Richard Young, who has a history of judicial activism, parroted the arguments of the pro-pornography lobbyists in his ruling....