WASHINGTON — To understand what is happening now in the Middle East, it may be helpful to remember the dead cat. That was a favorite metaphor for Secretary of State James A. Baker III as he shuttled around the region in 1991 trying to negotiate a complicated deal. With each recalcitrant player, Baker would threaten to “leave the dead cat” at their door — in other words, to make sure they were the ones blamed if the whole thing fell apart. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Time
Comparatively, households now pay an average of $784 more each month than they did two years ago and a staggering $1,069 more than three years ago....
Following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash over the weekend, the deceased leader questioned the furnishings of Paradise and wondered why it was so crazy hot up there....
He "is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is," says a U.K. Judge reviewing the Australian computer scientist’s many questionable legal maneuvers....